Top Five: Video Game Systems

This is the first of 2 new post formats! Top Five and What Makes! Top Five is simply a top five list and what makes is where I will do breakdowns about what makes certain games so good. So here are my top 5 video game consoles!' Honorable Mentions: Sony PSP, Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS These 3 systems didn't quite make my top 5. But they are all still great systems. The 360 was ahead of its time and had multiple masterpieces released for it. Such as: Halo 3, The Orange Box and Rock Band. The PSP was overshadowed by the Game Boy. But it still is an amazing system. I still use mine! It had some great games such as Sonic Rivals and Mega Man X: Maveric Hunter. The PSP used disks and 3d models and a digital store while the GBA was using sprites and cartridges. And I may have used my 3DS more than any of these other systems! Number 5: Xbox Series X. This may be controversial, But I love the series X. It was the first Xbox I played on since the 360. The Series X pushed the boundarie...