Secret Level All episodes review.

Overview Secret Level is a 15-episode animated gaming anthology series from Prime Video. I've watched all episodes. Secret Level's episodes range from incredible to downright awful. In my opinion, it is unfair to judge Secret Level as a whole as certain episodes are way better than the rest. But overall, each episode is either a hit or miss. Here are micro-reviews of every episode. ranked worst to best. 15: Spelunky: Tally Spelunky is easily the worst episode. It's a 7-minute short that is so rushed you can't even tell what's going on. I never even noticed the soundtrack, there is no plot whatsoever. And most of the episode is taken up by a literal death montage. Aside from a 2-minute scene where the only 2 characters talk. other than that, the episode is basically a blur. It's got no plot, a disappointing soundtrack and is horribly executed. The episode spends so much time trying to explain the roguelike "Runs" that it can't do anything else ...